Today (just a few minutes ago) I received a facebook message from Yuk Yuks. My dream of being a famous comedian was short lived and after three weeks, Mine and Ella's headshots were taken down from the wall of fame in Yuk Yuks. But our hard work did not go unnoticed and we have been invited back for a free show! YESSSS!
Here is what the message said:
"Hey Melissa, this is _________ Mississauga Yuk Yuk's location.
It probably wasn't a good idea to use your real name on your headshot, and then post the evidence of your prank on your public Facebook profile. I would like you to know that this incident is being considered vandalism and 11th Division Peel Police have already been contacted. We have pulled up your contact information from our reservations database, so expect a call shortly. Your accomplice, Ella Lungaro, has already been notified.
I would also like to inform you that the entire paragraph above is a complete joke. Stop freaking out, we just wanted to scare you a bit. In reality, our staff found your prank hilarious, as did I. I'm also impressed with how much effort you guys put into this, and how successful you were at pulling it off.
Your pictures have been taken down, but I'm keeping them in my office for now, so you can come pick them up whenever you like. In fact, I would like to invite both of you back to the club free of charge, because here at Yuk Yuk's we really appreciate a good joke - even when it's on us!
__________Here is what the message said:
"Hey Melissa, this is _________ Mississauga Yuk Yuk's location.
It probably wasn't a good idea to use your real name on your headshot, and then post the evidence of your prank on your public Facebook profile. I would like you to know that this incident is being considered vandalism and 11th Division Peel Police have already been contacted. We have pulled up your contact information from our reservations database, so expect a call shortly. Your accomplice, Ella Lungaro, has already been notified.
I would also like to inform you that the entire paragraph above is a complete joke. Stop freaking out, we just wanted to scare you a bit. In reality, our staff found your prank hilarious, as did I. I'm also impressed with how much effort you guys put into this, and how successful you were at pulling it off.
Your pictures have been taken down, but I'm keeping them in my office for now, so you can come pick them up whenever you like. In fact, I would like to invite both of you back to the club free of charge, because here at Yuk Yuk's we really appreciate a good joke - even when it's on us!
(It was nice while it lasted.)